Saturday, September 19, 2009

Traditionally Classic and Ever Contemporary, Black, White, or Both are instant winners in design.

A few tips about Black & White:
  • Using black and white together creates instant drama with contrast.
  • White on its own feels fresh and airy.
  • Black on its own creates elegance and intrigue and grounds your page.
  • Use a bright color with either Black or White for a bright, clean look, or add color to B&W for an instant punch.
  • If you have a picture with bright colors, use B&W in the background to let your picture become the main focus. OR Let your B&W photo become the calm focal point on a bright background.
  • To soften the effect of Black & White, use Black & Cream, or White & Grey.
  • Using busily-patterned B&W backgrounds usually creates a casual feel; Using simply-patterned B&W backgrounds has a more formal feel.
