Thursday, August 6, 2009

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I start projects with the greatest of intentions, but that I haven't always been great at finishing them. This was how the original wedding album began - the beginning of my scrapbooking hobby! I invested hundreds of $ into our wedding album, only to have it sit on our shelf for the next 4 years, in all its unfinished glory. Incomplete journalling, pages that were still waiting for pictures to get developed, and then eventually it got dropped and the binding broke. My one and only copy of a very special event.

So when I discovered Heritage Makers, I told my husband that I was going to re-do our wedding album. And FINISH it. I don't think he really believed me. But I did it! I scanned some of the original 12x12 pages that were special to us, and put them into a Legacy 11x13 book (I really wanted the leather!) and I finished all of the journalling, re-did a few pages that used to make me cringe, and completed all of those unfinished pages! And it only took about a week! And now, with our Heirloom Assurance, I'll never have to worry about this being my one-and-only copy, and our children can feel free to read the story of their parents' love as much as they want!