Thursday, August 6, 2009

Submitted by: Candace May, co-founder of Heritage Makers

My favorite song on the radio right now is one called, “Like Johnny and June”. It is about the love story of the famous Johnny Cash and his wife June….

Here are a few lines form the song…

And when there gonna be no tears to cry,

Only memories of our lives,

They’ll remember, remember

A love like that.

One of the things I really love about Heritage Makers is that we can all celebrate a love like Johnny and June. We all have someone with “a love like that” in our family.My grandparents had a love like that.My parents had one.
And I like to think of my relationship with my husband that way as well.

I once made my husband a canvas poster that says “I would rather have a tent and a crust of bread with you than be queen of all the world.”

It is my greatest hope that my children find a love like ours as well. It’s not a love full of worldly possessions…it’s a love that is comfortable, happy, secure, and passionate. This is one of the reasons I wrote mine and my husband’s love story…so my children can have a bed time story that indeed ends in “happily ever after…” What better way to teach them about love?
I have the most darling friend from college. She and her husband were our very first couple friends. We experienced those poor married student days together…scraping enough money together for Chinese take out, etc. We also experienced first babies together. Sadly, this sweet couple’s marriage ended in a divorce. As their children grew up and experienced the life so many children experience growing up in a divorced home, I mentioned to her that she should STILL write her love story. Is there any reason not to? Didn’t they fall in love, deeply and madly in love? Did they not have a wonderful courtship? Did he not get on one knee and pop the question? Did they not have a fairytale wedding? Did they not become parents together, a time of complete joy? Yes they did and just because the ending wasn’t perfect, it is still a beautiful love story! In my opinion it is a love story that needs to be told for the benefit of their two beautiful boys, ages 8 and 10 now.

So this Valentine’s Day I will not seek for roses or chocolates, but it is my gift to help my friend write her love story for her two sons so they might know of their parent’s love and someday hope to have “a love like that…”
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