Thursday, August 6, 2009

By Heidi Wheatley

My very first book that I made was “How Great the Miracles” about my son, Hayden. He was very sick his first year—had 7 surgeries—and we almost lost him several times.

During that trying time, lots of miracles happened in his behalf. So I wrote them down in this book.

During our trial, I had been very vocal about sharing these miracles with those around us. As I was writing this book, and Hayden—by then 10—was reading over my shoulder, I realized that the one person who had never heard these stories was the one person who needed to hear them the most: Hayden himself.

The crisis was over and I had stopped talking. Hayden had the scars and knew the stories of them, but he had never heard the miracles performed in his behalf. That was very humbling and I thought I had learned the lesson the book was to teach me.

Two years later, Hayden is now in middle school and struggling with puberty, friends, stress of Jr. high, etc. One night he started asking questions no parent likes to hear: “Mom, why do I feel so sad?” “Why am I even here?” “Why are kids so mean?” I immediately thought of his book and said, “Get your book and let’s remember why.” We read it together through laughter and tears. That book saved my little boy that night and I will be forever grateful.